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伴游心情:The rate of COVID-19 transmission has climbed to 1.48 in New Jersey, the governor said, compared with 0.87 about a month ago, while cases have also been on the rise.THE FACTS: There is no evidence Omar ever said this. The article being shared on social media this week matches the text of an older, satirical article. Just over a week before Omar will defend her congressional seat in Minnesota’s primary election, a fake article that misrepresents her campaign platform has been circulating widely on Facebook. The article attributes the following quote to Omar: “These old people haven’t earned these entitlements! We need more funding for our infrastructure and education centers and the biggest government expense is social security entitlements for senior citizens. We will have these phased out completely by 2024. We need to look toward the future generations and provide them welfare benefits, not the past of these older generations. Their time is over. They ruined the economy and must be made to pay!” An internet search for this quote reveals it was previously published in a fictitious article on the website Bustatroll.com. That site labels its articles as satire and includes a disclaimer that “everything on this website is fiction.” Contrary to that fake message, Omar has voiced support for Medicare for All, a single-payer health care model that would aim to insure most Americans and be a departure from the current private insurance system in the U.S. Omar has also tweeted in support of expanding welfare benefits during the coronavirus pandemic. The congresswoman is seeking a second term in Minnesota’s 5th District, and will appear on a primary ballot against four Democratic challengers on Aug. 11.Trump was not at the resort when the incident took place._____Separately, the president threatened to ban the popular app TikTok by executive order on Friday.While the DHS document appears to indicate that such attacks might come from across the political spectrum, white supremacists are the only group it cites specifically. “We continue to assess lone offender white supremacist extremists and other lone offender domestic terrorist actors with personalized ideologies, including those based on grievances against a target’s perceived or actual political affiliation, policies or worldview, pose the greatest threat of lethal violence,” says the document, which was prepared by DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis in coordination with several other offices, as well as with the National Counterterrorism Center.MORE: Bodies of 2 construction workers trapped in destroyed Hard Rock expected to be removed ‘soon’Learning pods: A safe alternative to school?HelveticaIris Samuels is a corps member for the Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues.



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